Pink Martini is a musical group from Portland, Oregon and formed by pianist Thomas Lauderdale in 1994. Pink Martini draws inspiration from the romantic Hollywood musicals of 40's and 50's, classical, jazz, old fashion pop, latin and world music. They have perfomed in many countries all over the world and play with symphony orchestras. The mucisians of the group are from different origins and their intersts are so deverse, but the result of that is perfect.
Members: Thomas Lauderdale (piano), China Forbes (vocals), Storm Large (vocals), Timothy Nishimoto (percussion, vocals), Robert Taylor (trombone), Gavin Bondy (trumbet), Phil Baker (bass), Dan Faehnle (guitar), Pancy Chang (cello), Nicholas Crosa (violin), Maurin Love (harp), Brian Lavern Davis (congas, drums, percussion), Derek Rieth (percussion), Anthony Jones (drums, percussion).
Discography: Sympathique (1997), Hang On Little Tomato (2004), Hey Eugene! (2007), Splendor In The Grass (2009), Joy To The World (2010), A Retrospective (2011), 1969 (2011).
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